Saturday, June 4, 2011

Thumbing the Lion's Nose

Munich was the place where Hitler originated the Nazi Party, however, he was not popular there to say the least. The Nazis required everyone to greet each other with "Heil Hitler" instead of "Hello." In Baveria, the state where Munich is located, the people started saying: "Gruss Gott," ("Greetings to God"). Not wanting to instigate a riot by appearing anti-God, the Nazis begrudgingly allowed the greeting alternative. There is a building where a Nazi Headquarters was located in WWII which has two concrete lions on each side of the stairs at sidewalk level. There was a giant Nazi flag hanging over the entrance which everyone was required to salute and say "Heil Hitler" when passing by on the sidewalk. After the defiant Baverians would salute with the obligatory "Heil Hitler," they would bring their hands down across the lion's nose, "thumbing" its nose at the Nazis. When confronted, they said it was for "Good Luck." To this day, the lion on the near side of the stairs has half its nose rubbed off and the Baverians rub lion's noses for "Good Luck!"

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