Monday, June 13, 2011

Its Too Rainey in Central America?

I was severely disappointed to see the weather forecast before the trip. Thunderstorms every day. How much fun could that be? I remember the same problem when I would go to Isla Mujeres, off the coast of the Yucatan close to Cancun. However, once you get there, you find that the weather forecast means something different than in the U.S. where we have fronts that move through and control the weather. The same percentage chance of rain might spoil your plans for the whole day there, whereas it might only be an one hour "speed bump" in Central America. The forecast for rain every day turned into one, one-hour shower on one day and a little sprinkle another evening. There was some overcast on some days, but nothing that spoiled any plans. Don't believe the weather reports. They are based on averages unless a hurricane or tropical storm is in the waters. Then watch them closely!